Thursday, March 13, 2008

Castile Soap

I have had many firsts this month with soapmaking. I guess I am coming out of my slump with soapmaking. For weeks I have felt terribly uninspired plus for I have had many soap batches that have gone literally wild. Many of those creations went straight in my trash can. I even had a batch quickly rice on me in my soap pot and I purposely kept my temps low. While browsing soaps on etsy I came across a listing for castile soap. I have always been interested in castile because of their high conditioning qualities in the soap. Plus the bars are killer white and hard as a brick after a substantial cure time. The only drawback to castile is the forever long tracing and curing period. Most say to let them cure for a 6 months to a year. If anything the soap continues to get better with age. I think I will let these sit to December 31, 2008 and bring in the new year and use them for the first time. Only if the anticipation doesn't kill me first.

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