Sunday, July 13, 2008

Apple Fruitasia

I am having a blast with making so much soap in preparation for my upcoming show. Currently on batch number 10 with 5 more to go. This new soap makes me happy. It looks very tropical to me and I like bright colors. It's more of an apple kind of vibe with a mix of other citrus notes. My next project is my "Love Peace & Patchouli soap.


monheganmoment said...

Beautiful Soap! I can see why it makes you happy! Great colors

Monhegan Moment

monheganmoment said...

Apple Fruitasia - Great looking soap! Again thanks for all your help.

Anonymous said...

It is beautiful!

Apple Fruitasia is suck a great name too!

Lisa Abdul-Quddus said...

Cool colors! Not sure why but it reminds me of a frosty pina colada.:)