Sunday, February 17, 2008

Yuzu Grapefruit

Well it didn't come out as I planned. I was going for a yellow base and orange swirls. I guess I have to try again but it smells so damn good. At this point I am way more interested in the quality of the soap because it's a first for me using sweet almond oil and some tussah silk from scentworks.

I was tempted to hot process this soap so I could use it at least in a week but at the last moment decided hot process was just too much work for me and I was too lazy to mess with it on Friday.


Patrice-The Soap Seduction said...

This soap looks pretty good to me. I wouldn't have known it was jacked up until you posted that it was:-)

Joanna Schmidt said...

Those swirls are beautiful!

Grapefruit is also one of my favorite smells.... ;)

Tenisha said...

Thanks ladies!